What Makes Nyanam Unique?
We focus on widowed women, the most neglected group of women in development work globally. We value the leadership, strength and wisdom of widows through which widows guide the design and implementation of Nyanam’s work.
We use a holistic approach to build the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual strength of widows. Our Bible-informed trainings center the stories of widows in the Bible to inspire reflection and action to promte social justice for widows.
Nyanam is founded and staffed by Kenyans who are native to the region in which they work, and one hundred percent of our proceeds go to the widows and the communities we serve.

Empowering and Connecting Widows
Nyanam was founded in response to widows being left behind left in community projects. Their voices were unheard and often treated with neglect and disrespect due to social and cultural stigmas.
In 2017, Jackie founded Nyanam in Kisumu, Kenya and supported widows by initiating Leadership Circles, which were the first step in creating spiritual, economic, and social empowerment for the widows.
Since its founding, Jackie and her team at Nyanam have supported widows in reaching their goals through a focus on personal development, social change, and justice.