International Widows Day
Some of the widows who participated in Nyanam Widows Rising’s International Widows Day 2020 celebration.
What is International Widows Day?
International Widows Day occurs annually on June 23 and it is a day deemed by the United Nations to recognize and address the "poverty and injustice faced by millions of widows and their dependents in many countries.”
what we do on international widows day
Starting from 2019, Nyanam Widows Rising have hosted annual International Widows Day celebrations in Kenya for the widows and their families on that day. In 2020, due to COVID-19, the celebration was smaller in size than we originally planned but nonetheless still as impactful to our widows! We managed to raise over $3,000 on our GoFundMe to fund over 115 COVID-19 response kits that were all delivered and distributed to the widows and their children. In 2021, we never marked the day with our widows due financial unavailability.
In 2023, we hosted 2 events in marking IWD. Our first event was on the eve of 22nd June dubbed #NyanamDinner celebration where we hosted 42 friends of Nyanam and guest at Gem Suites Hotel.
On 23rd June, we celebrated the day with 600 Nyanam widows. During the celebration, we awarded 39 widows with certificates of recognition and Nyanam branded mugs for their growth, leadership and contribution towards improving the lives of fellow widows and their communities. We also gifted all the widows with 2 kg sugar and Women In The Window International blessed them all with WIW and Nyanam branded shopping bag.
International Widows Day 2022
In 2022, we hosted a half day IWD celebration that brought together 40 Nyanam widows. During this celebration, we awarded the widows with certificates of recognition and mugs for their resilience and contributions towards improving their communities. We gifted all the widows with 2 litres cooking oil, 2kg sugar and 2kg maize flour-gifts for International Widows Day.