Cultivating technological skills and creativity among widows’ children.
By: Evelyn Odhiambo
“I have never been to Nairobi, let alone leave my community. I am super excited to have my first trip out of my community and travel to Nairobi for the robotics competition. Please do support us to attend the competition.” Charles – Nyanam young leader and LEGO Star.
Nyanam Junior LEGO Stars
The end of 2021 was a good start for Nyanam youth leaders. As offices closed for festive holidays, three of our youth mentors, namely, Faith Onyuro, Jotham Oyugi and Norah Midiang’a, started intense virtual training on robotics with Christine Achieng from Coderina._ The youth mentors were trained to become coaches and train Nyanam widows children in preparation for the 2022 robotics competition in Kenya. Coderina also donated training materials (LEGO Education SPIKE™ Essential) in readiness for the competition. The youth mentors volunteered to train 15 young people aged (9-16 years) for both junior and senior categories to participate in the competition in February 2022 in Nairobi.
This year’s first Lego League Championship was in collaboration with the Coderina Education Technology and Foundation and LEGO Education. Their main aim being to introduce children to fundamentals of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) while working together to solve fun challenges and building models using LEGO DUPLO bricks that can solve different community challenges. During the training process, Nyanam widows’ children grew their technological confidence, and teamwork skills along the way. This program inspired the kids to experiment, grow critical thinking, and design skills through hands-on STEM learning.
Every Sunday from December 1st, 2021, to February 24th, 2022, the mentors used a community church space to convene and train the children in creating robots that could perform specific manual tasks. These were fun moments for us all. I one day visited their training and was intrigued by the children's level of attentiveness and desire to learn. Seating on a traditional mat, you could see the smiles on their faces communicate a new world they were experiencing.
The 2022 FIRST LEGO League competition was on solving challenges on Cargo Connect. The children were therefore required to learn how packages are transported, sorted, and delivered to their destinations. They were equally required to think and behave like designers and engineers, developing their ability to observe, question, gather information, and ask more questions. Nyanam kids decided to solve a local issue within the Lake Victoria region - fish transportation. Their focus was mostly on transportation of the fish from the lake to lorries focusing, designing the physical handling of the fish from the lakes or cages to packaging and later distribution. The major objective was to ensure that the fish quality was maintained at all levels of transportation. They designed a folk lift that would support in the process of fish harvesting and transportation.
On the 26th of February, they presented their idea and design at the junior category level in the competition. While they did not make it to the top three, the young learners were thrilled and happy to have reached the level they did, participating in this competition for the first time. For many of them, it was also their first ever trip to Nairobi. Apart from learning at the competition, they visited the largest East and Central Africa mall called Two Rivers Mall and enjoyed the cool evening breeze and use of escalators. They marveled at seeing Lake Nakuru, Naivasha, Elementaita, Great rift Valley, Mt. Margaret, Mt. Suswa, and watching wild animals like Zebra, Gazelle. It was a great moment for them to engage in a competition, engage with other young learners and share.
Coaches' voices
‘’The robotics competition taught widows’ children to pay close attention to their environment while researching on different transportation problems they encounter in their communities. This guided them to prototype a robot designed to address the transport challenge. During the training and competition, kids developed communication and problem-solving skills essential in their day-day life. Equally they were exposed to current trend in communications as they also enjoyed their first ever virtual meet up with Executive Director Nyanam International. This was indeed a great learning opportunity for widows’ children, and we appreciate the partnership with Coderina.’’ Clifford Ochieng –Nyanam Operations and Administrative Officer.
‘’I had my first exposure and experience as a mentor and a coach in a competitive environment with a lot of diversity. This made me learn several key skills like patience, love, and deep understanding. I would wish that this kind of program be extended to reach a wider audience of widow’s children so they can get and develop their skills in this emerging field. This will also give them the opportunity to be like other children who have both parents, leading to equal opportunities for all.’ Jotham Oyugi – Youth Mentor
‘’This was an adventure for the kids as they were able to learn along the way, performing different household chores in equal measure. Thanks to the entire Nyanam staff for their support during the robotics competition and trip.’ Faith Onyuro –Youth Mentor
We thank Jotham, Faith, Norah and Clifford who dedicated their time, skills, and efforts from the beginning till the competition day. This new and exciting partnership with Coderina has been a huge talking point among our widows in their leadership circles as they share the experiences of their children. After this trip, NAME, one of the widows’ daughters, vowed to work hard at school so she could build her mother a big house just like the hotel they stayed in in Nairobi during the competition. Nyanam is committed to creating more learning and inspirational opportunities for the widows’ children.
About Coderina
Coderina is an independent Non-profit organisation Ed-Tech that works to promote ICT development, Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Africa
Ms. Evelyn Odhiambo is the Communications Associate at Nyanam International